
VIDEO: César E. Chávez March for Justice in San Antonio

¡ADELANTE! Videos from yesterday’s César E. Chávez March for Justice in San Antonio.

Greg Harman

Lining up for the march begins around minute 7:30 in clip one below. Other markers of note: march kick-off: 10:00; interview with march organizer Antonio Diaz: 13:00; Texas Victory Project’s Claudia Sanchez: 21:30; Maureen Lydon Galindo of Stand with Soap Works: 27:20; Green Party’s Herb Gonzales: 29:50; and new friends are found at: 31:45 and 34:40.

ENTER THE ALAMO. Second of four streamed videos from Saturday’s César E. Chávez March for Justice in San Antonio. Tourists lined up for Final Four – San Antonio at the The Alamo.

“We already have our symbols of the step-children of hate: Wounded Knee, Auschwitz, the Twin Towers. Yet we no longer hear the music over the drum of, ‘Build the Wall!’ Yes, build it. I want to see it. I want to touch it, the invisible, visible. the Great Wall of Hate, the great symbol of hate, a burning cross, a concrete white swastika with veins of barbed wire…” — Jesse G. Herrera

TALKING HUMAN RIGHTS. Third video from Saturday’s César E. Chávez March for Justice in San Antonio. … Keeping our heats focused outside The Alamo with all the Final Four – San Antonio crowds.

THE FINAL FOURTH. Last video from Saturday’s César E. Chávez March for Justice in San Antonio. Here’s poet Jesse G. Herrera bringing it outside the The Alamo during Final Four.