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Committee on Disaster Preparedness

Crews work to restore power during Winter Storm Uri. Image: Design via CPS Energy image

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Committee on Emergency Preparedness is studying the preparedness and response of CPS Energy through the Winter Storm Uri blackout and will be making recommendations on future preparedness efforts. (Committee website is here.)

The meeting location is subject to change and will be posted in a meeting notice made available prior to the meeting each week. The meeting will be broadcast on TVSA, AT&T channel 99, Grande channel 20, Spectrum channel 21, digital antenna 16.1 or by dialing 210.207.5555.

To protect the health of the public and limit the potential spread of COVID-19, health and safety protocols to include on-site screening, face masks, and social distancing will be in place, in accordance with the current Mayor’s Emergency Declaration and Health Directives.

The committee is inviting residents to ask questions or share comments with the committee. Residents can participate by:

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