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GROW: Gardening Rooted in Occupational Wellness

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GROW (Gardening Rooted in Occupational Wellness) is a dementia-friendly gardening project produced in partnership with UT Health San Antonio’s Caring for the Caregiver program at the San Antonio Botanical Garden. GROW is designed to promote improved mental health, quality of life, and opportunities for social connection for people living with dementia and their caregivers. Research has shown that participating in gardening programs and activities promotes positive outcomes for participants’ mental health and well-being. GROW utilizes hands-on gardening activities, such as planting, pruning, and exploring sensory aspects of plants, to promote these outcomes. Come ready to get your hands dirty and have fun!

Instructor: Christina Bittle, Doctor of Occupational Therapy student at UT Health San Antonio

Fee: Free.

Registration requested at Learn More link below or clicking here.

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