Regeneration Events Calendar

Regeneration: Environmental Justice Events Calendar for San Antonio, South Texas, and Beyond

Deceleration’s Regeneration events calendar is committed to stimulating a shift to healthier living, communities, and culture for San Antonio, South Texas, and beyond. Each month Regeneration highlights important meetings, trainings, actions, teach-ins, skillshares, and social gatherings intended to grow more resilient networks of relationship and common care. Regeneration is here to help grow the world better—both here and now, and for the generations to come.

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thu02may6:00 pmthu7:30 pmSoil Preparation: Solarizationuse the sun's energy to prepare a garden for planting Event Organized ByEcoCentro

tue14may1:00 pmtue2:30 pmWelcome to the Great UnravelingAn Orientation to the Polycrisis with Resilience+ Event Organized ByResilience

fri17may5:30 pmfri7:30 pmFood Systems Socialchat, eat, learn with gardopia gardens

mon20may1:00 pmmon5:00 pmCPS Energy Board of Trustees Monthly Board MeetingTracking a utility publicly committed to zeroing out climate emissions by 2050.

mon20may2:00 pmmon6:00 pmBandera MarketProduce, eggs, honey, artisan bread, plants, planters, and more.

tue21may6:00 pmtue9:00 pmAlamo Sierra Club Monthly MeetingEnjoy local environmental speakers and events.

wed22may3:30 pmwed4:30 pmGEAA Water Wonks Hour Monthly SeriesMay: Why Conserving Floodplains are Important Event Organized ByGreater Edwards Aquifer Alliance

wed22may6:30 pmwed8:00 pmBexar Audubon Monthly MeetingAPRIL MEETING CANCELLED Event Organized ByBexar Audubon Society

thu30may6:00 pmthu7:30 pmIs Rainwater Harvesting for Me?all of the basics of Rainwater Harvesting Event Organized ByEcoCentro

tue18jun6:00 pmtue9:00 pmAlamo Sierra Club Monthly MeetingEnjoy local environmental speakers and events.

thu20jun2:00 pmthu6:00 pmBandera MarketProduce, eggs, honey, artisan bread, plants, planters, and more.

mon24jun1:00 pmmon5:00 pmCPS Energy Board of Trustees Monthly Board MeetingTracking a utility publicly committed to zeroing out climate emissions by 2050.

wed26jun3:30 pmwed4:30 pmGEAA Water Wonks Hour Monthly SeriesMay: Why Conserving Floodplains are Important Event Organized ByGreater Edwards Aquifer Alliance

wed26jun6:30 pmwed8:00 pmBexar Audubon Monthly MeetingAPRIL MEETING CANCELLED Event Organized ByBexar Audubon Society

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South Texas Permaculture Resources

On Land: Restoring Right Relations

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